The Count Of Mountie Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo I want to begin by introducing you to this great book written by Alexandre Dumas. This novel was published by the Penguin Group in 2001. It was a story full of love, adventure and betrayal. It began as a sweet romance. Then a third party began to reveal his perverse intentions to feed off of the innocent. It was a envy, jealous, and deceit.

After the sad and unfortunate body of this suspenseful thriller there was a twist in the story. A great success for our Edmond and his only true love. The main character wore many hats in this epic piece. He was a sailor, a lover, a friend, a captain, and a prisoner.

After the tragic death of the captain he is honored and promoted to being the new captain. When they return he is regretfully convicted of treason and put into prison for 13 years. He copes with having it all then losing it all by way of the betrayal of a close friend and fellow sailor… His faith brings him through this troubled storm into a glorious rainbow of blessing that ends this novel with a warm feeling of justice. Edmond Dantes left his beautiful girlfriend Mercedes to board a cargo ship with his trusted and treasured friend.

While they are in the foreign island of Elba as the captain was die ing he agreed to deliver a letter for Napoleon, which later finds its way back to haunt him. Due to the fact that his friend was jealous of his new position and beautiful wife and began to sabotage his career. He is convicted of treason when it is brought to the attention of Frances government that he had been collaborating with the foreign emperor Napoleon. He spent thirteen years in prison along side of a priest who in exchange for helping him dig a tunnel for their escape he would teach Edmond how to read and write. He also taught him how to be a masterful swordsmen. Soon after the priest passed after a seizure and Edmond Dantes was left to complete the escape alone, but not as planned.

He escaped switching places with the priests body and after being drug out in a body bag and thrown into the icy waters of the bay, he visited the island of Monte Cristo where a treasure was waiting for him a perfect gift from the one who taught him to live in the face of death and destruction. The priest had blessed him one last time and with enough gold and jewels to live like a king. He returned to his former land and ran into the arms of his beloved Mercedes to face his spiteful enemies, and he successfully conquered the wicked men who stole thirteen years of his life. In the end he was happy and in love after all the turmoil he faced in his life he was finally able to enjoy what so many of us take for granted freedom. The count of Monte Cristo was a great story it showed how the freedom of a man can be stripped away in a matter of seconds. All because of a envies friend, I enjoyed the story and its tale of mistrust, love and vengeance.

It also explained that no matter how hard it got that their was always faith for a better day and with that faith and strong will is how Edmond Dantes survived his struggle. With determination is how Edmond became the count of Monte Cristo. It related to life because with out faith and determination you wont achieve in life.