Here are some reasons not to steal eggs. Ok well you can get charged for stealing. Or maybe you could get away with it but what if it breaks in your pocket, That wouldn’t be good at all. Or I suppose it could start a huge war like it did in the 1800 s between the Indians and the .
The reasons for this war are very sad in the white settlers part I mean how mean can they get. Then the way the war is going you would think the indians will for sure win the fight but then the war takes a turn for the worst. How the war ended wasn’t very pleasant either in fact it resulted in the biggest mass execution in Minnesota. There were many things that lead up to the war between the Dakota people and the white settlers. The settlers came onto the Dakotas land and took it from them.
Then the Dakota sold the land to them. However barley if any money ever got to them. Mainly because of the traders who the Dakotas owed money to. However the traders took much more money then the indians owed them.
But the traders didn’t care in fact all he had to say was ” let them eat grass.” As a result they were starving because they had no land, no money for food. And white settlers took all the buffalo. So after a long days hunt three Indian boys were starving and came across a farm with chickens. One of the Dakota boys was dared to go steal some eggs and so the boy did. The chickens made some noise and the farmer lady came out running at the boy with a broom. The boy was teased by his friends and it angered him badly enough to make him go back to the farm and kill the whole family.
The Dakotans figured they should fight now because they will be punished anyways. So one hundred warriors went to little crows house and said it is time to attack. However he did not agree the worries called him a coward and then his son spoke up and said what he thought which is that the whites had them out numbered one to one hundred. He was right. The white settlers were furious. The Indians got a great head start on the war.
The indians went threw the town and shot all with no intention to take prisoners. The made sure to get the trader and when they did they stuffed his mouth full of grass. They also got the local doctor. The indians had a great lead up until the white settlers came down on them. The whites had them outnumbered plus the whites had all the food, weapons, and shelter while the indians were starving and had no shelter.
They were always on the run, weather it be away from the whites or after them. The Dakota were defeated after long hard fighting. Indians were thrown in reservations ware the conditions were so bad that they didn’t think anyone would make it through the night. 303 indians were sentenced to die. That is until Abraham Lincoln had the final say in it and after a review of the charges 303 came all the way down to 38. They would all be killed at the same time all together which is the biggest execution ever to happen in Minnesota.
It happened in Mankato on December 26 th 1862, the day after Christmas. The rest of the indians were moved to a reservation called crow creek. It was on the Missouri river. The land was scarce with nothing to eat or anything to make clothing from.
The water was salty and they were freezing. Then in 1863 Henry Sibley organized a force to crush the indians of the Dakota territory. He slaughtered everyone with no intention to take prisoners. Weather it be man or woman child or baby Sibley men killed all.
And then following that Little crow was shot and killed while picking berries with his son. And the man who shot him was only rewarded with no punishment at all. What happened to the indians wasn’t fair at all. I don’t see how the white settlers could ever have been selfish enough to start a war over some eggs. Or mean enough to never pay up there money and always kick them out of there land. I just hope no one else is ever so selfish and mean enough to start a war over an egg.
otherwise you never no when a war would hatch again because people steal eggs all the time.