The Five Most Influential People In History

The twenty-first century has come and now Jesus Christ is the main religious influence on the human race. More then any other event or person in history, his life was the theme to many songs, books, poems, and paintings. His birthday divides our time lines into two ears, B. C.

and A. D. One day out of the week was set-aside in remembrance of him. America’s two most commercialized holidays celebrate his birth and reincarnation. The cross has become the representation of conquest over sin and death.

Colleges, hospitals, orphanages, and other institutions have been founded in honor of this one man, Jesus Christ. Muhammad Abdullah is the second most influential person in history because he was accountable for both the religion of Islam and its main ethical and moral philosophies. Furthermore Muhammad is the creator of a religion and is a main political leader. Muhammad is also the conqueror of Arabia in 630 A.

C. But Muhammad is not ranked first because the number of Christians in the world is twice the amount as Islam’s. The third most important religious leader in history is Buddha because he began a religion that has been an important part of the cultural heritage of many Asian countries for the past 2500 years. Nowadays, the religion’s ideals and moral values of Buddhism have proved to be crucial in saving so many people from their sufferings, one example is when Buddhism liberated the common man during the Vedic period. Buddhism continues to have influence, from the present generation to the future and from the East to the West. Confucius, the forth most influential person in history, produced and taught a belief that all humans are created equal.

Confucius also taught his students decorous, courtly behavior, duty to rulers, parents, and older brothers, some of these beliefs went on to be incorporated into many other cultures, even America’s. Confucius also once said, “Treat others the way you wish to be treated”, which now is a very well known saying. Over his life, Confucius convinced many people into believing his teachings and to today individuals, and nations, still fallow the philosophies once created by him. And for the finale leader on this list is Adolf Hitler, because he is responsible to a mast belief in Anti- Semitism.

Hitler was a dictator and the founder and leader of the Nazi Party. He was also held responsible for the start of World War Two in which 50 million people died. Millions of more people were placed and murdered in Concentration camps, their only crime being not the ideal German. People to this day fallow his beliefs in the party called Neo- Nazis. Others will forever remember him as the reincarnation of evil.