The Great Mojave Valley 1 st Hour There are so many problems in this valley that it is hard to choose the most important ones to write this essay on. So I will choose the most superficial ones I can think of. One of the problems is the people. In this valley there are a lot of good people that are pleasant and good natured. In the same in the same valley there is speed dealing white trash crack heads that couldn’t care less about there fellow man especially the racist ones. I’ve sat in class and listened to kids talk about there weed and “bad trips” some times being so bad that I had to excuse myself to vomit.
Maybe not that bad but close. I like my school and I have a certain amount of school spirit. Whenever I here someone talking bad about this school or this valley I say ” Hey, where do you live? What school do you go to?” . As much as I like my school it is underfunded ” like what schools not” and it is also behind in a lot of academics and technology.
I know that it’s not just my school thought because I heard that all of Arizona is behind in technology but it’s still a big problem. Most of our problems are during the summer when kids are out of school and there are a lot of vacationers out on the river. But during the winter there is a hole different kind of problem. Snow Birds, the retired scum of the excess population. There a hole different problem in them self.
They hor the roads and highways with there ridiculously sized motor homes with no concern for the other people driving around them. Some of them might be good natured but for the most part them bitter old car accidents waiting to happen. These are definitely problems.