The Influence Of The Colonial Period

Although Virginia, Massachusetts , and Pennsylvania were all products of British colonization, they were diverse in nature. As people began to emigrate from Europe to these new colonies, new ideas began to take form. Each group had their own view of the way of living. American values of this day were brought together by and based on the primitive ideas of colonial America. Virginia, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Pennsylvania had significant influence on American values in many ways. The colony of Virginia, named after the “virgin queen” and founded in 1607, had an important role in American beliefs.

Virginia, like Massachusetts, had a representative government. Virginia’s House of Burgesses was made of economically successful people such as great business owners. This was Virginia’s legislature. This vision helped to influence America’s government. In the late 17 th century, large plantations came in being from small farms. Tobacco was one of the most important crops grown.

Because of this, successful people bought estates along the Chesapeake Bay Area. Virginians wanted to know when European ships arrived. The economy grew and Virginia began to flourish. A religious group, called the Puritans, settled Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1620. They immigrated to America in order to purify the Church of England.

They wanted to bring reform to the poor society. The first government of Massachusetts was formed when the Mayflower Compact was written. The purpose of the Mayflower Compact was to create fair laws by the people in order to make the colony successful. The pilgrims also elected a governor at this time. As the population increased and the towns became larger, a meeting house was established in the town. These legislative assemblies allowed for the public to discuss any problems.

A representative, deputy, was sent to the meetings from each town. These basic ideas were some of the early forms of a democratic government, in which the people ruled. Although government was important to the Puritans, the most important issue in a Puritanical society was education. Education was however strictly religious. The Puritans wanted their children to be literate so that they could read the Bible. Education became so important that Massachusetts passed a law requiring the education of children in the year 1647.

Universities, such as Harvard and Yale, were also formed during this time period. The concept of free education was also shaped at this time. The Puritans wanted to promote learning. In Massachusetts, fishing and commerce were important to its economic expansion. Corn was grown and for a short period fur trade and lumbering were also important. Americans today have approved the old traditions of managing economic situations.

These principles, formed in Massachusetts, have remained to form present-day America. William Penn along with the Quakers established the colony of Pennsylvania. They welcomed all groups of people including Catholics and Native Americans. They had good relations with the Native Americans and so their colony was usually peaceful. Quakers were known to incredibly unobjectionable and respectful to other lifestyles. They helped to instill the feeling of religious toleration in American societal beliefs.

The acceptance of other religions and groups of people led to social plurality. Society was diverse in the colony. Quakers also had a democratic form of government, which incorporated civil rights. They had made many peace treaties with the Indians. In early colonial times, Quakers did not realize the importance of education. Soon they recognized that in order to become a thriving society, people had to receive an education.

A compulsory education law was passed in 1683. Thus forming schools and Universities. Pennsylvania’s early inhabitants laid the foundation of the educational system that still thrives in America. The economy of Pennsylvania boomed. At first there were small farms in which crops such as wheat were grown. Commerce grew quickly.

The Quaker’s societal ideas helped to spread the ideals of America. America’s beliefs have been made by the coming together of several different colonial ideals from the colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. American standards of the government, schools, religion, society, and the economy were created long ago. American thoughts have been shaped by the basic ideas of the first immigrants that arrived here..