The Japanese Quince is a short story written by John Galsworthy, who is a famous author. He also wrote Quality, also a short story. He has also written a lot of fiction stories and other novels. I don’t know much about him. It was my first time to hear his name and I’m curious about him. I know that this story would catch my whole attention as I would start reading it.
It is our homework to make a re saerch about this and there are questions needed to be answered. I really want to have a copy of “The Japanese Quince.” I want to know more about the characters Mr. Nilson and Mr. Tangram. I’m excited to read this story. It is a must for us, students, to read such kind of stories written by John Galsworthy.
This is part of Literature that would be tackled up in our class. I’m not sure if it is part of American literature but I’m quite sure that this would open up the minds of students like me on how good it feels when you have read stories written by a Nobel prized author. A lot of students hates reading but I know that this story would change their beliefs. I know that as we go through on reading “The Japanese Quince.” We would encounter new words which would widen our vocabulary and help us in constructing sentences, not just sentences, but meaningful sentences which could lead to meaningful paragraphs until a good composition is made. This would be very educational. I don’t consider reading boring like what the other people say.
In fact, it is very entertaining. You can even go to other places without riding on a vehicle. I anticipate that this story would give us moral lessons which would help us in becoming what we want in the future. Who knows, in the future, I could be the next John Galsworthy.