e Origins of World War One Events leading up to the outbreak of War (a) Moroccan Crisis 1905-1906 The Germans wanted to test the recently signed Anglo French ‘Entente Cordiale’ with its understanding that France would recognise Britain position in Egypt in return for British approval of a possible French takeover of Morocco. Germany said that they would assist the Sultan to maintain independence. A conference was held in Algeciras in Spain. Britain believed that if Germany had their way it would be an important step on the road to German diplomatic domination.
Spain supported the French demand to control the Moroccan bank and police. This was a serious defeat for Germany who realised the Britain and France were a force to be reckoned with as the conference was soon followed by Anglo -French ‘military conversation’ (b) The British Agreement with Russia 1907 This was seen by Germany as a hostile move but really it was a logical step as in 1894 Russia signed an agreement with France, For years Russia had bee n seen by Britain as a threat to her interests in the Far East and in India but Russia had become weakened by their war against Japan (1904-1905. which they lost) Russia were willing and eager to attract British investment for their industrial modernization programme. It was not a military alliance. (c) The Bosnia Crisis This incident really heightened tension between the powers. The Austrian annexed the Turkish province of Bosnia.
This was a deliberate blow at the neighbouring state of Serbia who had been hoping to take Bosnia as it contained about three million Serbs. Russia called for a European conference; they expected the support of Britain and France. When it became clear that Germany would support Austria Hungary in the event of a war, France pulled. The British merely protested, as they were not willing to risk a war. With out the support of her Allies Russia didn’t dare enter was. The results of this was O Serbia became bitterly hostile toward Austria Hungary.
O Russia embarked on a massive military build up (d) Again Crisis (1911) French troops occupied the Fez to put down a rebellion against the Sultan. It looked as though France were about to annex Morocco. The Germans sent a gunboat ‘The Panther’ to the Moroccan port of Agadir. Britain was concerned that Germany may obtain Agadir and subsequently threaten Britain trade routes. The British Chancellor of the Exchequer) made a speech warning the Germans off. The French stood firm.
Germany agreed to recognise the French protectorate over Morocco in return for two strips of territory in the French Congo. (e) The First Balkan War Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria attacked Turkey capturing most of her remaining territory in Europe. British foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey arranged a Peace Conference in London. He was anxious to avoid the conflict spreading and prove that Britain and Germany could still work together. The settlement divided up the Turkish lands between the Balkan states. The Serbs were not happy they wanted Albania which would give them an outlet to the sea but the Austrians wanted to keep Serbia weak and demanded Albania become independent.
(f) The Second Balkan War 1913 This began because Bulgaria was not happy with the Peace Settlement. They were hoping for Macedonia but most of it was given to Serbia. They attacked Serbia. Serbia supported by Greece, Romania and Turkey.
Bulgarians were defeated and by The Treaty of Bucharest they forfeited most of their gains from the first war. The Austrians wanted to support Bulgaria but the Anglo French influence was strong. The Consequence of these wars were: O Germans took Greys willingness to cooperate as a sigh that Britain would detach from her Allies. O Serbia was strengthened and determined to achieve her objective of uniting all Pan Slav people under one leader. O Austria were even more determined to put an end to Serbia’s ambitions in the Balkans.