The Parthenon Temple Construction Athena

The Parthenon is the most significant and important symbol of the ancient Greek civilization to this day. This temple was built in dedication to the patron goddess of Athens, Athena Parthenos. The construction of this temple began in 447 B. C. and was not completed until almost 438 B. C.

This temple was developed in the Doric order and made almost completely of pen telic marble. Even more astonishing is the fact that sculptural decoration was not completed until 432 B. C. , almost 15 years after its initial construction. Pericles gave the instruction to commence the construction, and Phidias, a famous Greek sculptor was placed in charge of its construction. More than four centuries of knowledge concerning temple construction was implemented into the Parthenon and none have been built like it since.

The Parthenon was peripteral, with 17 columns on each of the longer side and eight columns along each of the narrow sides. The Cella, which was the central section of the temple, covered the famous chryselephantine statue of Athena that was sculpted by Phidias. In the centuries to come, the Parthenon became a Latin church, a Byzantine church and a Muslim mosque. During a conflict in 1687, the Venetians had conquered Acropolis, in the heat of battle a Venti an bomb struck the Parthenon causing an explosion and extensive damage to the Parthenon. To make matters even worse, Lord Elgin, in the early 19 th century, stole the frieze, me topes and pediments from the Parthenon. These sculptures were sold to the British museum, and until this day, are exhibited, as one of the museums greatest collections..