America: what was once considered a place filled with hate filled with hate, racism, and violence, has recently taken a turn from the worst to better due to the event of . On September eleventh 2001, when high-jacked planes destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center and parts of the west wing of the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. Borders all along the United States were closed and the airports were shutdown across the nation.
People all over the country awoke to what at first glance appeared to be a video from blockbuster, for instance, Independence Day. In reality, what we were really watching was a horrendously real aftermath of the complete destruction of the World Trade Center Towers. No one had a clue to how bad it really was. The nation stayed glued to their television sets as if acrylic would your finger nails.
September eleventh 2001 had horrendous effects on families, co-workers, and businesses. America has united to triumph over this tragedy by believing in each other, in a higher power, and by becoming a united front. Can you imagine what it’s like for the families that go home every night knowing that their spouse is not going to be there? How a child copes with the death of a loved one? How a mother looks at her new born baby knowing that the baby will never see who brought it into the world? What a senseless tragedy, but people formed support groups, for example, The Widows of 9-11. Children have united at school to go through the grieving process together (even though they did not lose anyone to the 9-11 incident).
Fathers are raising children on their own with help of family members and friends. The nation has stood united by not letting the terrorist win. Take the thirty-two years old person whose body was eighty-two percent burned. Who in one year has come out of a coma, undergone skin graft surgery, accomplished physical therapy, learn how to walk, and learned how to manipulate her fingers to comb her hair, just so she could go home to be with her husband and hold her fifteen month old son. People in all walks of life have opened their hearts and minds to unite as one. The people of New York State, for example, now walk down the street and say hello with a concern for life itself no matter what your race.
More over, the whole United States has changed by giving their time, money, donating their blood to the Red Cross, providing shoulders to cry on, giving life, and prayers, just so they could feel apart of the new united front in America. In time of tragedy, it’s now ironic how people turn to a higher power in search for answers to understand why and how such a terrible tragedy could happen. On the day of September eleventh, candles were lit, churches were left open late so people could come on and pray, people outwardly on streets knelt on their knees for the people who were in the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the planes. As days went on, churches were filled to the brink and letters of prayers were put all over New York. A place in New York was set aside for a place to grieve, as well as a place for other to give their condolences to the lost victims of the tragedy. Special services were held in churches of all religion.
Believers were no longer Baptist, Methodist, or Muslim, but we were a united religion. Not just the people on the outside looking in, but he survivors who came out of this changed and looking for their own religion. As an example, Gene lle Mcmillan, the last survivor of the World Trade Center, now knows that her firefighter Paul was nonexistent to everyone else, but to her he was an angel. Her life before this accident was full of partying, drinking, dancing, and she had only attended Brooklyn Tabernacle church twice. She is now a born again Christian and knows that she’s a living miracle. So does the Brooklyn tabernacle church who has a membership of eight thousand.
She was once a quiet visitor, but she announced to the church staff, “I’m here, I made it out!” Her experience is a one in a billion testimony of survival and Christian rebirth. In the last couple of paragraphs it’s clear to see the nation has become a united front. My last example is to take a look around today and see the united front that America has become. The United States flag is everywhere you look: in yards, soaring high in school yards, and even waving through the air on cars as you pass them by on the street.
September eleventh 2001. The nation has gone through a tragedy. Families have survived, people have chosen a higher quality of life and we stand united. God Bless America!