The Roman People Cornelius Scipio

January 23, 2003 Classics 201 Roman History – after battle at Canae, Capua (longtime ally) and Syracuse defeated by Hannibal ‘a Macedonia declares war on Rome – Romans controlled up to Swiss Alps – Cumae was first Greeks that Romans had encountered – Messina was part of the first Punic War (264-241) – Romans fighting on a few fronts – Romans used allies in Macedonia i. e. Athens or Corin the to fight against Macedonians – Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctators – avoided direct contact, open battles – sought time and assaults on Hannibal, cut off Hannibal’s supplies – After Canae, everyone returned to this way of delaying – Hannibal foraged for the next few years, no supplies because intercepted by Roman army in Spain – Publius and Gna eus Cornelius Scipio – commanders in Spain (brothers) and were killed in battle – Romans gave command of Roman forces in Spain to son of Publius, Publius Cornelius Scipio o Had imperium o Was very young (25) o Found phalanx was too inflexible and made up of centuries o Made principal fighting force of Romans and centuries called Maniple SS March into battle as a phalanx but try to avoid being encircled SS Adopted larger swords from Spaniards called Gladius – Hannibal’s control of Syracuse and control of waterway was very important – Recovery of Syracuse by Marcus Claudius Marcellus with very large fleet in 214 recovered the city in 212 ‘a raised morale of Romans – Archimedes – was within walls of Syracuse providing inventions for protection – Capua was recovered in 211 and destroyed – Tarentum was recaptured by Romans in 209 – Publius Cornelius Scipio brought Spanish allies to Rome – Hasdrubal o Brother of Hannibal o Defeated by Scipio o Looked as if he was retreating and tricked scipio o Defeated again by Romans o Beheaded in 207 – Scipio o Realized war could be a stalemate unless declared war in Hannibal’s home country o Opposition by senate o 201 Zama (6 Zama) – battle here between scipio and Hannibal and home help fight against Romans o Carthage surrenders Hannibal but killed in 201 o Received honorary fourth name: Africanus for victory over Africa – Hannibal stayed in politics but sought refuge in Persia (Romans chased him there) – Spain now a Roman Province – Sicily, – Africa not a province by a client state with no foreign policy – Romans declared war on Macedonia in 200 B. C. ‘a war of vengeance – Philip was the King of Macedonia and descendant of Alexander the Great’s general – Philip lost Balkans to Rome but remained in power after – T. Quinctius Flaminius o Second Macedonian War o Major battle of Cynoscephalae 200 – 197 o Romans defeated Macedonians even though they originated the phalanx o Declared freedom of Greece who were now allies of Rome – Third battle: Perseus 168 the Battle of P yana – Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeats Macedonians – Perseus is the son of Philip and captured by Romans – Macedonia given some autonomy but now part of Roman empire – Trasimere is where Hannibal had thousands of soldiers – Greece a province called Achaea – M.

Porcius Cato o In Roman Senate o Born in Tusculum o No ancestors but became consul and censor o Had fought with Africanus at battle of Zama o Very conservative o Recognized Carthage was still a threat o Concluded all speeches with “Carthage del enda let” = Carthage must be destroyed – Masinissa o In Numidia o Carthage had to beg Romans if they wanted a war o Berber origin o King Masinissa encouraged by Romans to attack Carthage and eventually Carthage attacked Numidia SS Romans attacked Carthage for breach of treaty – 149 -146: third Punic war – L. Aemilius Paullus.