1. a) Abraham Lincoln – (1809-65) Lincoln was the 16 th president of the United States. He believed slavery was wrong and encouraged the North America to fight for the freedom of slaves. b) Frederick Douglas – A runaway who wrote a book about his life as a slave and became active in the fall of slavery. c) Rosa Parks – On December 1 st, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the city bus. This was a big deal because had to give their seat up for white people so Parks made a start of something big.
She was called the ‘Mother of the Civil Rights Movement’. d) Malcolm X – A man converted to that Black Muslim religion. The ‘X’ in his name was to get rid of the white slave name given to him. Malcolm X was a speaker for the dreams of race pride and Black Nationalism. He was assassinated in 1965.
e) Louis Farrakhan – He is an American religious leader, Head of the Nation of Islam. He organized the Million-Man March in 1995 in Washington. 1000’s of black people vowed to make better of their family, community and responsibility. f) Booker T. Washington – (1865-1915) He was an American educator who encouraged black people to better educate themselves and through the economy. g) Marcus Garvey – (1887-1940) An American supporter of Black Nationalism.
He urged Black Americans to be proud of themselves and wanted them to return to Africa. 2. Abolitionists – To get rid of something for good. The legal extinction of Negro slavery.
Emancipation Proclamation – A statement saying that all slaves are to be free from any kind of restraint. Abraham Lincoln ordered this on January 1 st 1863. Segregation – To separate certain things from one another. In this case, separate facilities for black and white people.
Sharecropping – Another way of saying slavery, where you work for money, food, housing and clothing. Though the sharecropping has more freedom that slavery. Jim Crow Laws – Another name for the Segregation laws, keeping white and black people separated from each other. Integration – To bring together something.
This must have happened after the segregation laws were dropped. Black and White people could live together in one place. 3. Ku Klux Klan – The KKK were a large group who hated the black people so they terrorized them by assault, rape, robbery and burning things.
The KKK hated all other religions than their own, Christian. They had over 5 million people at one stage. NAACP – Stood for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It was founded in 1909 and aimed for the improvement that black people lived in. CORE – Stands for Congress of Racial Equality. It was an American Civil Rights organization who believed that “race or creed will be neither asset nor handicap.” Black Muslims – It was an African- American group.
It was founded in 1930 and Elijah Mohammed was its first leader. When Malcolm X joined, the members grew a lot more. Black Panthers – In September 1965, two people made this organization to help community service and helped arm people with self-defense. 4. Brown vs.
the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas – A family was angry about the segregated schools and wanted them dropped. Warren, a California Governor, faced the courts to get rid of them. In April 1955 the court wanted to desegregate the schools, but said the Southerners had plenty of time to do so. Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott – This started with Rosa parks and the bus. After this, many black people were fed up with how they were treated on buses and so they organized a bus boycott.
It had 50, 000 people and lasted over a year. The court desegregated the laws on buses so the boycott thing was a success. Million Man March on Washington – A march organized by Louis Farrakhan. 1000’s of black people vowed to make better of their family, community and responsibility. 5. Martin Luther King- This man is widely known because he lead the campaign for Civil Rights for Black people.
He wanted new laws and equal treatments from white people. He grew up in one of the countries that still wanted slavery. They kept the black and white people apart with those segregation laws. King worked in a Christian church, and developed well as a public speaker. The civil rights campaign had thousands of people supporting it.
King gave a speech in 1963 called ‘I Have A Dream’ and he talked about a world without violence. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize but he was assassinated in 1968. He inspired people to fight against the violence towards the black people. 6. Compare Life before Civil War and After for Black People – Life before the Civil War, black people had no say in anything. They had no rights at all and most of the people lived as slaves for white men.
Even when they were employed they were treated like animals. They were forced to do work even under extreme conditions. But some people didn’t like the slavery and wanted to get rid of it. This started the Civil War and black people went to join the fight. The War had ended and so did slavery. Time has changed segregation laws and everything.
Now black people have as much right as the rest of us. There is no stupid laws to separate and black people vote as well. Many black families feel hurt about how they were treated before the civil war, but at least now were all considered equals.