The Sword of Truth, written by Terry Goodkind, is a classic fantasy that takes place in a world with magical boundaries between three kingdoms. It is the first volume of an epic fantasy series, and it relates the efforts of three friends that try to save the world from Darken Rail, the sadistic ruler who seeks to control and possibly destroy the world. This book has an incredible mix of terror, suspense, love, mystery, and imagery, everything to get you hooked chapter after chapter. The young Richard Cypher, woodsman and warrior must go on a perilous quest with the Sword of Truth in order to deal with evils that have a contemporary degree of ambiguity about them. On the way, he acquires the collection of wizards, dragons, and human companions that he will need to try to defeat his enemies. The characters and their world come to life as the plot unravels.
Terry Goodkind has a great ability to create great action and also gives intelligence to his main character and his friends that seem so realistic. He describes the appearance of each character in such depth and brilliance that it is easy to create a mental image of them. This helps make the story believable, exciting and emotional. It’s easy to follow the plot in your head. The world in the story has goodness and honesty and is besieged by the forces of darkness and deceit. Goodkind creates a journey of the utmost risk and uncertain reward for the sake of love.
It’s a journey into the human soul. It truly is an extraordinary adventure. Even though the novel was written with such passion it did have some problems. There was some repetition of words, improper punctuation, and at times the language was overly simple.
As well, there were some points in the book that went quite slow, but not slow enough to put the book down. It is brilliantly written, and a magnificent epic fantasy that anyone with an appreciation for imagination will love. I highly recommend this novel. You will find that after you read it, you will want to immediately run to the bookstore and buy the sequel.