The United States Immigration Policy Has Undergone Great Change

Many changes occured in american immigration. the policies changed and so did the attitudes of the americans. immigration was important to america. it helped it expand and grow. without it, we wouldnt be the country we are today. 1882 there wasn’t the need for Chinese workers and American attitudes changed toward these immigrants.

there were also many other changes. other changes included making laws that require people to pass literacy tests to get into the country, and other things. This is so stupid. i bet no one will read this. Ha Ha. How many words is this? Im sick of doing this.

crap. I hate it when they mark u register. i cant type either. notice the spelling mistakes? if you ” re an english teacher, u probably will. All data submitted becomes the property of findfreeessays. com and you give up all legal rights to it! We only accept original papers, do not submit copyrighted material! I hate essays! That’s not original.

I got five due on friday. how many do u have due? I hate work. Senior year sucks. So does my ap history class. Bye, see ya later. I’m so bored, is this two hundred fifty words yet? I just pressed submit sand it still says that this essay must be 2509 words.

Is a counted as a word? Is the counted as a word? Even if you use it a lot? I hate essays. Have i mentioned that? If you agree to all of the above then click “Register” Whatever. Blog. School.

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