The Unknown Pythagoras Today Math Music

You can learn many things just by looking around a room or observing outdoors. Just about everything is made up of something mathematical. Some examples are music, art, technology and numerous others. I recently learned that Pythagoras was considered the Father of Mathematics. The Golden Rectangle was used by the Greeks in many ways and we continue to use these same principles today. It is interesting to learn that many of the games of yesterday and today are nothing more than calculative strategies.

One of Pythagoras’ first discoveries of math in every day life was in music. If you were to pluck a string on a harp it would make a specific sound. Reduce the size of the string by half; the same sound was made but an octave higher. When this was discovered, we learned that music was produced by a measurable scale.

Many instruments of both yesterday and today were produced from this very theory. Another theory given to us by both Greek and Roman tradition was the shape of the Golden Rectangle. This theory, known as the Pythagorean theorem, was found in almost all aspects of their culture. Some include examples include architecture, agriculture, art, sculptures, and even in the making of basic tools. We are surrounded daily by our friend, Pythagoras. Today, many, if not all, games are calculated strategies.

Chess, for example, is one of the most difficult games to play. Most people do not like the game because it involves an enormous amount of mathematical calculations and projections. In all likelihood, you probably would never find a single game that did not utilize math in some form or another. Math is everywhere. You cannot escape it. Yes, there are a few things that seem to have nothing to do with math, but a closer look will probably prove you wrong.

Think about it… the possibilities are infinite!