Thirteen American Colonies Revolution Colonists Similar

“Although the thirteen were founded at different times by people with different motives with different forms of colonial charters and political organization, by the Revolution the thirteen colonies had become remarkably similar.” Ass sowdhamani bell apu AP US HISTORY Dr. Mask in 314 ’78 “Although the thirteen American colonies were founded at different times by people with different motives with different forms of colonial charters and political organization, by the Revolution the thirteen colonies had become remarkably similar.” Assess the validity of this view. I. As time was coming to the start of the American Revolution, the thirteen American colonies that had at first started out with differences in all aspects appeared to be astonishingly similar in several cultural and political ways. Mainly refugees from European countries who were fleeing their government’s oppressive and discriminative ways established these colonies.

In addition, another main portion of these colonists were people trying to overcome their lives of poverty. When the colonies were first founded, each colony’s government was managed independently without a unifying base. By the brink of the Revolution, all the thirteen American colonies seemed to have very similar lifestyles and goals. II. Similarities in culture and everyday life A. Social Class-All the colonies seemed to have a social class structure.

Social hierarchy is a very common aspect of society. The colonists, many from different nationalities, had divisions with aristocrats and government officials in the highest class. Next came lesser professional men with land owning farmers below them, who made up majority of the population. The lower classes constituted of hired workers, indentured servants, and lastly the black slaves.

B. Slavery-Indentured servants and slaves were the main source of labor in colonial society. With majority of the population being landowning farmers, the slaves and indentured servants came to be of great use. They would be brought over from Africa on the triangular trade. C.

Economy- The economy of the thirteen American colonies was primarily based on the goods produced through agriculture. Then came the triangular trade with its amazing profits and benefits to the economy. D. Person- A man named Crevecouer wrote about the rich mixture of backgrounds, speaking of how one family would have many members of different nationalities. E.

Date- By 1775, the culture was obvious with as many as a quarter million of blacks serving the whites in the colonies and aiding in the progress of the economy. III. Similarities in Government and Motives A. Steps towards Unification- The First Continental Congress of 1774 was brought about as a convention, where 12 of the 13 colonies sent 55 representatives altogether to discuss the Intolerable Acts passed by Great Britain. B.

Dreams of Independence-The colonists had a written document called the Association, which is considered their form of a constitution. The British Parliament rejected all the Congress’ petitions, causing a building sense of rage in the colonists. C. Protest towards harsh British rule- As a final attempt towards independence the American army was gathered for the coming revolutionary war against Great Britain. D. Person- General Lafayette is a notable figure in the time of the American Revolution.

He aided the colonies with his outstanding military performance and about $200, 000. E. Date- The Declaration of Independence was officially put into use on July 4, 1776, marking the first day of independence for the American colonies.