This Years Analysis High School

Pierce Adams adams 1 S. M. Balding English 111 September 10, 2003 The Year’s Analysis On August 11, 2002, as friends and I gather the night before our first day of senior year. With all of our friends sitting around and reminiscing about the first three years of we start making all the right predictions about how exciting and fun the coming up year is going to be, and how fast its going to fly by. With all the underclassmen looking up towards us as if we were God, there has been no other greater feeling throughout our years at Apex High School. In the year to come we looked forward to the being of the “Top Dogs” on campus, having very slack classes, and most importantly, we looked forward to the week we were going to spend together for spring break.

The graduating class of 2003 just completed the best year of their lives. The only word that can describe Apex high in two thousand two and two thousand three is seniors. This is the best year that anyone can go through throughout their years in grammar school. Personally that was the best time of my life. As of August 12, 2002 the graduating class of two thousand three were the “Top Dogs” around Apex High. On the first day of school, with eight-teen and nine-teen year olds running up and down the halls yelling and screaming SENIORS after a long night of partying, I walked up and down the halls, through classrooms, through the parking lot, and all I could hear was “Man, he’s big,”I can’t wait to be like him,” and “please don’t hurt me!” These were the cries of the underclassmen as they focused on how much fun it was for students to be seniors.

If a senior ever needed anything done an underclassmen would be the first one he would ask. Any answer but yes was the wrong answer when replying to and upperclassmen. In a senior’s mind, the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors had no say in anything that went on throughout the campus. These were the kids that we have always dreamed of. These were the kids that we all have seen on the movies getting pushed around and stuffed in lockers. If a senior was in the same class as an under classmen, and something happened where the senior was going to be blamed, then the freshman, sophomore, or junior would immediately get pointed out and blamed for the situation.

This was the beauty of just being the older student. In some cases just because we were the oldest kids on campus there were special exceptions for us. On some occasions some seniors had the privilege to leave early from class or getting a note to go to the “library” to work on a paper. When we got to the library we would race to the computers. A popular website among the senior class was addicting games. com.

This website was a lifesaver. While sitting in class bored to death you realize that you can easily bribe your teacher to let you leave. Once you kiss the teachers butt just a little bit you were home free. There at the library we were able to waste away the class period with computer games and not even worry about class. This again, was the beauty of just being the older student.

When you get to the end of the junior year in high school most everyone has all or most all of the required credits to graduate. With that done that made a lot of room for you to take close to four electives. A few of those classes are basketball, soccer, hockey; ping-pong; and weight training. These were just three of the many slack classes that a senior was able to partake in during their senior year. All through high school algebra, science, history, and English were such a problem with all students. Learning about things from the 1700 s, and how the butterflies from South Africa migrate to Canada is not what teenagers really care about.

Now, those classes were in the past. In completing most all of the required high school credits that are supposed to be completed by the end of everyone’s junior year, these fun and entertaining classes were now made available. When waking up in the morning and not worrying about a big science test or a major history exam became a reality, high school seemed like a breeze. The best part about taking some of these classes was that at the end of the semester there was not an exam. For most electives the teachers didn’t even worry about giving an exam before Christmas break and at the end of the year. I know for a fact that in this situation it saved a lot of student’s in the long run because they weren’t given the opportunity to fail the exam and risk failing for the year.

These slack classes were great. They helped everyone get through the last year of high school with a little more ease than the first three years. So therefore seniors with most all their credits completed by the end of their junior year had a few fun classes to take the last year in high school. At the end of April, twenty-three friends and I were heading towards Myrtle Beach. This was our senior spring break. Half way we started getting anxious and wanted to hurry up and get there.

As we got closer and closer the salt in the air smelled as if it were on a saltine cracker. We knew that this week-long trip was going to be unforgettable. As we arrived at the white, run-down, old two story house, excitement rose as we unpacked our bags. Getting away for the eight days was going to be such a relaxation for everyone. Being away for the week away from work, away from parents, and away from all the drama that goes on in a normal high school student’s life just gave everyone the chance to get away and have fun. The week went on with partying every night, sleeping late the next day, grabbing a bite to eat, and then doing the same thing over and over again for seven days.

This was the best week of my life just knowing that I was at the beach with all my friends and nothing to worry about. Looking around at all of our friends that have been the best friends for as long as you could walk, we realized that everyone is such good friends. Since collage is only three months away, the realization of the real world comes into play. In just a couple of months everyone will be split up and most people will be going to move on to their separate ways. As we ended the year as “Top Dogs” in Apex High, passing all the slack classes, and making it home safe after a week in Myrtle Beach, my senior year will be a time that I will never forget.

With all the people we became so close to throughout the years, it’s sad that it will never be the same.