After watching the! ^0 Through Australian Eyes! +/-, it leads the responders to the feeling of empathy and understanding of the difficulties of deciding who you are. When the composer, Jessie Thandi travels to the home of Sikhs “C Punjab and joins the special occasion, she then knows a bit of history about the Sikhs, that it is the war with Indian Moslems. She feels sympathy for it because she is part of Sikhs and now finds an strong positive connection with these people. But she seems to prefer the way that not interacting with the people from other religions, or simply just dislike them. And that is the most traditional way of thinking that she has got closest to the Sikhs in India, even though she was brought up in Australia. Apart from this, she is also proud of being one of the Sikhs.
When she visits the primary school in Thandi, she finds it really interesting. But the kids look bored. And she seems understand this is not the kids! fault and feels empathy. As she said! ^0 what will really matter people here is the field around the village, the crops! +/-. She feels the perspectives of the people within the two countries are quite different. Jessie! s one of the most desirable places to visit is the Golden Temple.
When she gets there the first impression that she gets is very peaceful. And when she sees that people are cleaning the temple area and preparing meals for other people, working for nothing, she was pleased and impressed. She again feels proud and accepting the idea of helping each other, working for nothing from Sikhs. After her journey to India, she gets more confused than before.
Even though she was brought up with the Sikhs community and feels proud of being a Sikhs, she could not accept the way of life of the people in India have got. What she has got in her head is the Australian ideas and thinking. ! ^0 It! s hard to understand things for just a short time! +/- as she said. It is understandable for us that she cannot accept too much new ideas within a short period of time. She might just need more time to overcome the pressure from the cultural differences.