Toward Global Parliament Citizens Authors Nations

Toward Global Parliament by Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss is a feature article, which speaks about the possible initiation of a popularly elected global body. Recently, representatives of The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The United Nations, and former President Clinton have called on citizens of all nations to play a more significant role in the International Order. However, none of the aforementioned have a clear vision of how this should be accomplished. In the past decade a number of voluntary and private organizations devoted to social and humanitarian ideals have bonded together and become a significant and international presence.

Such organizations as the Red Cross, Greenpeace, and Amnesty International were responsible for putting forth treaties to limit global warming and outlawing landmines. Is it through such a reputable organizations as these that society can best achieve in taking a step toward the creation of a global parliament We are fully aware of the tremendous influence the corporations, banks, and financial institutions have in today s societies. Leaders in these industries continue to have a strong impact on global policy. Is the best way to achieve global parliament through the most powerful business executives As we previously stated business people exert tremendous and profound influence in the world today. Privately socially conscious humanitarian organizations also are a voice which people respect. However, these two important and critical entities to date have not been coordinated properly.

The authors are attempting to show that only when the civil and corporate interests work as one within a structured organization can positive results be seen. The authors state that such a unified organization would be the voice of citizens and not the voice of nations. The creation of global parliament compromised largely of ordinary citizens might even be asked to negotiate peaceful resolution to international conflicts. Because elected delegates would represent individuals and society instead of states, they would not have to vote along national lines.

Pg 217 How do the authors feel that a global parliament or a global assembly can best be achieved One method that they suggest is through the election process supported by the media. Another method the authors refer to is called the Single Negotiating Text Method, whereby citizens, business representatives, and various nations would establish an assembly through an organized treaty. The authors further suggest that a small number of countries (approx. 20) would be required for some degree of global legitimacy. Subsequent to the establishment, the authors surmise as the assembly hopefully gains legitimacy and respectability, other nations will join at the urging of their citizens. The authors political ideology appears to state that citizens, combined with corporate interest, and a well-coordinated effort can form a global assembly and make a significant import on global order.

Although, the article was well written and quite persuasive I feel that there are a number of reasons why this proposal would not work. First, due to cultural, ethnic, radical, and religious differences amongst the citizens of the world today, it is doubtful that a smooth running global parliament would be possible. I have strong reservations as to whether I could serve in a global assembly along side citizens of Iran, Iraq, and other nations that have been hostile in recent years to the United States. In addition, private citizens with tremendous responsibilities such as resolving international conflicts, providing solutions to world hunger, or preventing a global nuclear war without the in-depth knowledge of these issues would be unfair. In summary the authors provide a persuasive, positive, and unique approach in having the citizens play a role in the world today. However, it is my opinion that the author s theories are too idealistic.

There are too many obstacles and potential problems associated with the formation of global parliament. I feel that the formation of global parliament would too closely parallel the efforts of the United Nations, which has not been on overwhelming success.