The tragedy that happened on September 11 th shocked America. Terrorism has been a problem in the world for a long time and America is still trying to come back from the events that occurred. Why did this happen? What provoked the terrorists to do such a thing? These are a couple of the questions that burn in the brains of Americans. There are a lot of causes that are believed to be the true reason to September 11 th, but there are two that are the most believed. The most believed cause is that of the issue of religion. The individuals responsible for crimes against humanity of September 11 believed that their cause was so righteous that they were called upon to murder others in its name.
This belief is not unique to a particular strand of extremist Islam “Mara no CNS News. com.” It was a basis for violence in Christianity for many centuries and is still used by some extremist Christians (for example, those who bombed abortion clinics) to justify violence. These religious ideas are a subset of a wider set of ideas, often utopian ideas, that have been frequently associated with extreme human rights violations “Muslim Militant Extremist page 1.” The second believed cause is because of the United States troops in Saudi Arabia. This is Osama Bin Laden’s major peeve. This endeavors him to keep with his plan of the fall of Saudi Arabia’s monarchy. As we try to come to grips with the tragedy of September 11, as individuals try to understand the causes of it, we will all remember the effects of it.
We turn first to the victims of the September 11 attack and their families and friends. The enormity of the loss of life, and the premeditated nature of the attacks on September 11 th justifies calling them a crime against humanity. Murder, when “committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population” is a crime against humanity. The victims of this crime are entitled not only to our deepest sympathy, but also to justice, either in the courts or in an international tribunal.
Another effect of terrorism in America is Recently, the U. S. has given large sums of money to countries in order to improve anti-terrorist policies. This aid is very important and should be continued indefinitely because of the U. S.’s novice status in dealing with terrorism. Even though the threat of terrorism is apparent when the U.
S. gives financial aid to other countries, it is well worth it because the more money the U. S. gives out, that much less of a threat terrorism is.
As a result of the U. S.’s status, foreign powers, such as Israel, should definitely give aid to the U. S. especially in the areas of tactics and training, where the U. S. can benefit the most.
The disaster of September 11 th will stay in the hearts of the people of America forever. Not only did it touch the lives of the victims and their families but of all the citizens on the United States.