Ultra Scan Political Advisors Laws

Ultra-Scan, a planet located in the Quagulous Star System, is humanity’s new realized frontier, and an apparent wealth of resources. I, the Head Commander of operation “Colonize Ultra Scan,” have come to the planet for the purpose of instating a political body that can represent the needs of this of this precious astronomical orb’s inhabitants while providing them with stability through social and economic services. Unfortunately, amnesia caused by my ship’s impact onto this planet’s rocky surface will make this a difficult task. While logic and rationale are with me as always, political terminology and specifics escape me presently. On this universal time calendar date of Hoolamanjanga 27 th, in the year 45273, I arrive in my Space Cruiser, HMS The Lady’s Slipper, finding the terrain to be treacherous and far-reaching. Large seven-legged creatures, known as Putumpers, roam the craggy and mountainous landscape, feeding on the bountiful pink fruits of the native Chegunga trees.

Checking into HQ in Northeast Delta-Quadrant, I find the Ultra Scancions to be in a panic of great proportions. They tell me that they have been unable to establish a ruling body that could enact the collective wishes of the settlers into effective political practice. I tell them to not worry of such things tonight, for tonight we will feast and celebrate for the great things that have been accomplished by these noble and hard-working pioneers. I tell them this to placate them and get them in good favor, for tomorrow they will feel the cold and final solution to their infernal ineptitude. These bumbling morons have no concept of law or order, and it reeks in what petty laws and regulations they have tried to establish.

The best course of action would be an armamentarium style of government, which is where the working parts of a political system are consolidated because of limited human resources. In this system, a few selected people would perform the actions that are normally done by large organized groups. After the grand feast, while the ritualistic dances of communal unification are proceeding, I address the populace from a hill looking over our soon-to-be-burgeoning colony. With super-megaphone in hand, I explain to them the functions of law and order in a productive society.

I tell them that their base feelings and human emotions mislead them into making decisions that harm the collective while satisfying passions. Laws direct us in the other beneficial direction. They will be put in place to enforce a more cooperative lifestyle, and this will help us work together. Only through a communal understanding and cooperation can the great people of Ultra Scan build the necessary base for human life on this new planet. I tell them to complete the last dance of Unecledanqwaosh, and commence with their mating duties. After all, you cannot have a colony without colonizers.

In the morning, I begin to assemble my League of Physical Law Enforcement by knocking on select sleeping quarters and removing large and intimidating Ultra Scancions for the purpose of law enforcement. They will enact the wishes of the Executionary branch of the new government, which will make final decisions on the fate of laws in this land. This is quite the important task, so I will run this branch, and have the assistance of ten advisors. These advisors will be very prestigious Ultra Scancion scholars.

Ultra Scan’s inhabitants will craft the laws themselves through moderated “town-meeting” discussions. The people will bring to these meetings their problems, and through debate and presentation of facts, come to a better solution by a three-fifths vote. This idea could be referred to as the Legeslationary section of the government. The moderators will be ambassadors of the Executionary advisors, and they will deliver the mandates to the advisors. The advisors will then consult with me, the head of state, to determine if the proposed actions are valid. The third proposed Armamentarium branch would be referred to as the Department of Judicialactionarianism.

This will be headed by an all-powerful ethical computer that can be afforded to us at humanity’s present state of technological expertise. The programming in this computer uses advanced diagnostics to analyze all laws passed and all governmental actions to determine whether or not the action adheres to the Doctrine of Ultra Scancion Political Interactions. This doctrine will be written in the days to come, and will make clear the specifics of this glorious plan. If the political actions do not pass the computer’s inspection, the law immediately becomes vetoed and sent to a “town-meeting” for alteration.

The “Doctrine” will be distributed to all Ultra Scancion households within a week’s time. After gathering all necessary enforcers, the other working members of the government will be assembled through a similar fashion of taking and not asking. Ultra Scan will become a shining example of a perfect Armamentarium government for all of universal time and space to come. Discipline, action, and agriculture, as acknowledged in our planetary seal, will be the foundations for budding armamentarium nations..