Uncle Toms Cabin Tom Slaves People

Uncle Toms Cabin depicted the time period of slavery very well. The protagonist of the story was , he is the pious and good man of the story. He never loses his faith in people, even if put down by them. From what I’ve read Uncle Tom’s Cabin was made to symbolize religious and steady faith. Mr. and Mrs.

Shelby represent the few slave owners that cared about there slave and there well being. When Eliza ran away for the Shelby’s to save her son from being sold and in depspreration ran into the freezing cold river to get away from Tom Lower was when you saw her love for her son, Harry. The icy river kind of symbolized the line between slavery and freedom. It was kind of ironic how Mrs. Bird and Mrs.

Shelby acted because you would of thought at that time that the women listen to there husbands every word but these two women spoke as openly as any other man. It looked encouraging the Uncle Tom would be ok when he met Eva and her father, Augustine St. Clare, because they were similar to the Shelby’s. He was being treated good and he had his Bible also he was in contact with his wife by letters. St. Clare had promise his daughter to let Uncle Tom go but it went down hill when Eva died and soon after he died too so there was no and Eliza ended up with her husband heading for freedom.

At this point you should recognize that Eliza is going a good path and Uncle Tom was going more in oppression. When Tom was sold To Simon Legree, it was the first time he ever saw slaves being cruel to other slaves. Legree made his slave beat others An American novelist, humanitarian, and philanthropist, Harriet Elisabeth Beecher, mostly known as Harriet Beecher Stowe was best known for her anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Born June 14, 1811, the seventh child of a famous protestant preacher. She first worked as a teacher with her older sister Catharine and supported herself by writing local and religious periodicals. Stowe’s first publication was a geography for children.

That did limit her she also wrote poems, children books and adult books. Her first and most famous was Uncle Tom’s Cabin. It began as 40 serial installments in, the National Era. The story was to some extent based on true events and life of Josiah Henson. The book ended up selling 300, 00 its first year. Stowe visited Europe in 1853 and received numerous honors.

The book has also been translated into 37 languages. “Harriet set about to write a polemical novel illustrating the moral responsibility of the entire nation for the cruel system.” More simply she wanted show people how slaves where being treated and how it needed to change. Also to exemplifies how unjust and inhumane the slaves were being treated and open up the eyes of in gore people that don’t care about others. Stowe goes about her objective by using her experience with the anti-slavery movement, familiarity with slavery, and personal experiences, and knowledge of the underground railroad. It gave her the idea to make up characters such as Uncle Tom, Eliza, Mr.

Shelby, and Eva. She showed the relationship between the characters and like slaves relationship between the slaves and there masters. The best example of a loving and happy relationship is between Eliza and Uncle Tom with the Shelby’s. That show how humane some of the slave owners were. And Stowe showed the cruelty and bruelity of the south by showing the relationship between Uncle Tom and Simon Legree. She was successful in making a point about the cruelty of slavery.

What made it successful was how she showed the deep emotion in the story. Some parts were so over whelming that you felt that you were actually there. One part that you felt that was when little Eva died. She was so loving and cared about others that her death devastated so many. Also she went about her point by writing about the hardships different slaves went through.

So it touched peoples heart and made you think, would you want your family be treated like that. This story could of been better if it showed more situation of what happened in the south at that time. If it was possibly pictures would of been great because you get to see the people and what feeling were going on on there faces. Like they say, ” A picture is worth a thousand word.” and in this case it would because you would be able to into the slaves torment eye and try to feel the pain. No, I don’t think there was a bias in Uncle Tom’s Cabin because she didn’t focus only of the bad aspects of the time but of the good ones too. You got to see Eliza and family get free in Canada and be happy, while you saw Uncle Tom beaten to death.

She also didn’t just show how the slaves were feeling but at the same time show how the slave owners fueled. Stowe gave a good overview of the time. I think Uncle Tom’s cabin was well written and served its propose well. It showed the cruelty and hard ship of the time it made people think twice about what they were doing. From reading it I can see how it made such a positive impact on people. This story probably paved the way for people such as Martin Luther King Jr.

, Malcom X, and the future equality between black and white people. So much came out of this tiny lady.