The University of Houston Men’s basketball team has been one of the nation premier basketball teams in the nation for many years. Many of the NBA’s top players have came from the university of Houston. Since 1946 till this day honorable men a such as Guy v. Lewis and Ray Macllen have made Houston the most progressive school in the state of Texas.
Despite of some the minor setback in the last year. Like the eight and twenty losing season. The cougars have made leaps and bounds to try to get back to five final-fours, the Phi Slama Jama, seeing a coach as guy v. Lewis did hurling a polka dotted towel 392 times or coming with in a basket on the national title. There is light at the end of the tunnel and the cougars will be on the prowl once again to bring a much needed reunion with the fans and the willing traditions.
You can see these young men working hard every day dedicating their every minute. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12: 11 They have recruited some of the nation best high school players, such as Lanny Smith, Parker Pink alla, Andrew Francis, and Elijah Miller to help them continue the success of a quarter century. It seems as if everyone around the University of Houston is standing up and taking notice to a repeat of history. The new coming of a Phi Slama Jama. The cougar’s basketball team is not only excelling on the court but off the court as well.
They are putting a new meaning to the team student athlete. And throwing out the old rumors how people think of athlete’s. Last year the team had a g. p. a. of 2.
7. This year they started it off with a 3. 0. The cougars are really focused.
They realized that education is the key to success and if they can do their jobs off the court, then they can do it on the court as well. The coaches and staff are making sure that they produce well rounded young men not just athletes. Men who will one day have children and have to teach them the same values that they have learned. “Only a man can the a man how to be a man.” These men with all be successful and know what to say and how to act is very important part of their growing up. The coaches have tried to let their players know that they are in the public eye more that normal. And people look at you differently because of what you are a part of.
The cougars have also added a member of the origan l Phi Slama Jama to their coaching staff, Coach Micheal Young. Mike knows how to win and what it takes. His love of the game and the desire for the cougars to be back on top again has brought him back, to teach the younger players the old ways and winning traditions of the old days, the way we were. He said that the current Cougars are determined to achieve the level of success Lewis’ Cougars attained.
“I see it in their eyes every day, and when I don’t see it, I remind them,” young also went on to say, “they are some of the hardest working guys I ever been around. They are hungry, they ” re competitive and they ” re constantly working to get better.” Some of the players joke around with being better than the 84′ cougar, but a lot of truth is said in just.