Summer of my German soldier is a very captivating story and entertaining story. The book is very interesting and attention getting. The movie that is based off the book is also interesting but not as good as the book. If we compare the two they reveal they ” re many differences in style, context, feeling, and emotion but at the same time, they reveal their differences. Through this piece of writing, I hope to show the similarities and differences between the two works of art. Patty, the main character in both the movie and the book is very multi dimensional person.
Meaning that she has many sides to her. For example, she has a side that always loves to lie to people, but she has a side that always wants to help and be compassionate to everyone that is around her. In both the Patty is surrounded by people that she loves and people love her. In the movie and the book, there are also some people that do not love her. The people that do not love her still do have her love even though she does not have there’s. Through out both the book and the movie I began to understand that there are the people that make her feel that she is valued and some that don’t.
At dictionary. com, the definition of value is Worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor. Both the movie and the book showed how people valued Patty but the book showed it differently then the movie did. When I started reading the book, I met and very nice character by the name of Ruth. Ruth in both the book and the movie is Ruth’s family’s housekeeper.
She does many things in the house for the family. As the book and the movie move along, I began to understand Patty and Ruth’s relationship. I understood that they are very close and tight while they also share everything with each other. Ruth shows Patty that she really cares about her and that Patty is of something of value to her. Ruth is always interested in Patty and her life. In the book, it was convey to me that she was involved in every aspect of Patty’s life.
Every day before Patty left for her days activities she always had a nice conversation with her and made her breakfast, which Patty came to love, and like a lot. This is how the book showed how Ruth valued Patty. The movie shows how Ruth valued Patty in a different way. The movie showed that Ruth did value Patty but in a different way then the book did. The movie showed Patty always eating Ruth’s breakfast that she cooked but it did not show them always having a conversation together.
It only showed them talking briefly and not sharing in depth conversations as it did in the book. Patty did not only come close to Ruth but she also met an older man named Anton. Anton was a German who was caught by the United States and brought back to the US as a POW (Prisoner of War). When he first got to Patty’s home town he was taken to a prisoner camp near the town.
Then one day all the POW’s including Anton came in to Patty’s family store to buy some straw hats. Patty was in there and Anton caught her eye and attention. From there many things happened such as Anton escaping from the POW camp and Patty providing him with a hideout. This was all shown and written in the same way. The only difference from the book to the movie is that Anton shows and expresses less expression then the books expresses through the writing.
For example, when Patty and Anton are in the hideout talking in the book their conversations seem more personal and deeper in thought while in the movie they seem like they have a conversation just to have one. Not only does Ruth and Anton show that Patty is valued but also her grandparents show that she is valued. In both the book and the movie the take her in at the end of each and care for her and nurture her all they can. At the same time, Patty has people that love her and people that claim to love her. One person that has a large part in her life is her father. Patty’s father is one of the characters that claims to love her but does not show it nor make her feel like she is loved by him.
Her father throughout the book and movie gets mad at her in deals with her making him mad in different ways depending if it was the move or the book. In the movie, her father just yells at her and verbal abuses her while in the movie he beats her with his belt. Overall, the entire entire book and the movie are two very good works of art. They captivated my mind and entertain it at the same time. They both show what it is like to be valued and what it is like not to be valued. Both the book and the movie also show how to value people in real life.
Even though they are based of the same plot line, they share many differences, which makes them so unique.