Lindsay MottsWalden Journal. Author – Henry David Thoreauo D. O. B- 07/12/1817 o Date of Death- 05/06/1862. Date of Publication: 1854. Literary Period: Realism.
Plot: o In the first chapter its announced that Henry David Thoreau spent two years in , near Concord, Massachusetts Its devoted to discussing how people try to acquire wealth, but doesn’t lead to happiness He likes to enjoy nature, and explains that those who own a lot have to take care of things, but those who don’t can do whatever they wan to Discusses the energy that it took for him to build his house. Finished in spring of 1845, moved in July 4 tho Borrowed / salvaged building materials from other sites nearby. The land that he built his house belongs to Ralph Waldo Emerson Thoreau makes a bean field for extra money, occupying his mornings, Thoreau leaves the afternoon for reading, writing and his thought so He believes in being a minimalist, simplicity and solitude. Contrasts his life with those who are materialistic o Thoreau ponders the power of technology because the Fitchburg Railroad passes Walden pond, and it interrupts his thoughts. o Discusses his contact, Alex Therien, a Canadian Woodcutter who is grand and sincere in his character, though modest in intellectual attainments.
o Makes constant trips to Concord for meeting his friends, and scattered business. Spends the night in jail on one of his trips. Refused to pay bail, because the gov’t approves slavery. o Often spends his time paying attention to nature, the changing of seasons, and creatures that share the woods with him.
The idiot that he plays hide and go seek with for instance, becomes a symbol of the playfulness of nature and its divine laughter at human endeavors. Another example of animal symbolism is the full-fledged ant war that Thoreau stumbles upon, prompting him to meditate on human warfare. His observations of nature are not like a biologist / scientist, he doesn’t observe them scientifically, but gives them a moral / philosophical view, as if they could teach him something. o Starts to prepare for winter as it becomes fall.
Listens to the rabbit, squirrel, and the fox, as they gather food. Thinks about how the ice will melt and come back to Walden Pond. Watches ice fisherman cut ice blocks and send them to larger cities. o For the most part Thoreau is alone but receives visits from William Ellery Channing or Amos Bronson Alcott. o As he becomes more knowledgeable about Walden Pond and neighboring ponds he wants to measure their depths, and map their layouts. Discovers that Walden Pond is no more than 100 ft.
deep, rebutting common thought that it was bottomless. Looks at the pond as a symbol of the unknown that people need in their lives. o Winter eventually ends and along comes the spring season. Thoreau sees spring as a transformation in the face of the world when all sins are forgiven. Announces his project at the pond is over, and returned to civilized life on 09/06/1847. Argues that everyone should live their lives to their full potential…
Major characters and their significance o Henry David Thoreauo Liberal side of him is most remember edo Solidified the American model of conscientious objection- said no to anything he didn’t care for Also has a conservative side-viewed as godfather of hippie movement, and the anti-technology movement Statements about a humble lifestyle lead him to isolation from his neighbors-sees them as beasts, but likes their simplicity o Praises Alex Therien, only to dismiss him later as being too immersed in animal nature that makes us wonder if he would dismiss other poor workers. o Might want to instruct / guide poor workers but doesn’t want to be their friend o Alex Therien Thoreau’s occasional visitor-only one closest to being one of Thoreau’s friend so Both are of French Canadian descent, and like the backwoods life Lacks a formal education, and social customs, but can appreciate ar to Doesn’t understand Homer’s Iliad, but can appreciate ito Thoreau doesn’t call him a friend, but separates him from everyone else. Point of View- aligned with Henry David Thoreau. Setting-Summer 1845 through summer 1847, however book combines the two years into one year.
Its place is Walden Pond. Major Symbols: o Animals Ice o Walden Pond. Contribution to American Letters/Literature:.