War South Slavery Made

In 1607 Jamestown was founded in Virginia, which started the first colony of what is now known as America. In Virginia they needed a way to make money so they made money off the big cash crop tobacco; which was Virginia’s first cash crop. Later more states were added around Virginia. The states became the United States after the revolutionary war against the British. The founding fathers were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. George Washington was the first president; Thomas Jefferson helped write the Declaration of Independence, was a secretary of state, founder of the Democratic Party, and was the ambassador to France; James Madison was the father of the U.

S. constitution and Bill of Rights. The first few presidents were mostly democrats from the south. One of the major presidents of these democrats was Andrew Jackson; he opposed national banks, held first party convention, put lieutenants in political positions. He also input the 2/3 rule of party support to gain presidential delegacy. In 1803 the U.

S. made the Louisiana Purchase, which was the first major addition to the U. S. At this time slavery was becoming a big issue since there was not much slavery in the north and the south had slaves. The Missouri Compromise was implemented as; with every free state admitted to the Union one slave stat will also be admitted. Then later the south passed a gag rule that said there would be no public discussion on slavery.

Then the leaders of the country wanted to expand westward, so after Texas gained it independence from Mexico it was annexed and later became a state. Then after that Sly del met Santa Anna to purchase the Calamari from Mexico, but Santa Anna does not want to sell. So Polk tells Taylor to take some men and cross the Rio Grande and as they crossed the Mexicans fired them at them. So Polk convinced congress to sign a bill to start a war. The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 ended the war, which gave the U. S.

the land they wanted. The Mexican war was basically a scrimmage war for the generals who will later fight in the civil war. As the new area was acquired the issue of slavery came up again. David Wilmot came up with the Wilmot Proviso, which said blacks should stay in the south; he was for no slavery in the new area.

Then John C. Calhoun came out and said no one can stop the spread of slavery. Polk and Buchanan wanted to split it down the middle, which would extend the Missouri Comprise to the west coast. Lewis Cass and Steven Douglas wanted to use the popular sovereignty and let the people who live there decide whether they want slaves or not. Then the Great Compromise came up in 1850 and was broken down and signed as separate bills, which were California be admitted as a free state, Utah and New Mexico will be slave states, there will be severe consequences for helping free slaves, and slave trade stops in Washington D.

C. After 1850 the U. S. wanted to expand the railroad across the country so they made the Gadsden Purchase to connect the east to the west by railroad.

Then 10 years later when Lincoln was elected South Carolina succeeded from the Union. Then they were later followed by Florida, Georgia, Louisianan, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama to make the confederacy. Buchanan passed a bill that said slavery could last forever, but they still seceded. They fought in a civil war north vs. south, Union vs. Confederacy.

Eventually the south lost the war because they had less man, less supplies, no ships, no industries, little wealth, and generals were out matched. April 9, 1865 General Grant of the Union met General Lee of the Confederacy and Lee gave up. After that the government input a reconstruction plan for the south. Now that the blacks were free the government gave them rights and citizenship but the southern leaders wanted to limit them from moving up in social status. They did this by using sharecropping and disenfranchisement. The Ples sy vs.

Ferguson case made segregation legal and the Brown vs. Board of Education overturned segregation laws and made it illegal. The triple revolution involved industrial revolution, urbanization, and immigration. In the 1900’s the U. S.

became the #1 industrial nation in the world and the railroad was the biggest industry. Over 25 million immigrants came to the U. S. And many people move to the cities to get better jobs. John D. Rockefeller and brother started a company that made standard oil.

They viewed business as war and eliminated almost all of the competition. Andrew Carnegie worked as a telegrapher but became the steel king of his time. J. P. Morgan was the son of a big banker and became the agent to the U. S.

for his dad. Leland Stanford helped found the Central Pacific Railroad, was a governor, and was a senator. James Duke was leader in tobacco, combining four companies to make the American Tobacco Company. Cornelius Vanderbilt had the shipping business in his control. All these men believed in Social Darwinism, which is the survival of the fittest. Some believed in the Gospel of Wealth which is that god will reward those that deserve to be rewarded due to economic success..