World War I could not be a real war if the US would not have gotten involved in it because as we all know the US always gets involved in most major wars. But why did they get involved this time? The answer is quite simple. At first, the US was thinking of staying neutral, that’s what president Woodrow Wilson wanted, and so did the people. But all this was about to change thanks to the “unrestricted submarine warfare” that the Germans had going. The unrestricted submarine warfare was a type of attack.
The Germans used submarines called U-Boats, these submarines could stay more time underwater than other submarines could. This was one of the reasons why the US joined the war because they sank a British cruise ship called the Lusitania 1, 198 people died, including 128 Americans. Americans were furious, of course, because some American lives were lost, who knows if they cared about the rest, so they demanded that this type of attack stopped. The Germans then agreed and issued the “Sussex Pledge.” That was one reason.
Another reason was that Great Britain and the US have almost always been “brothers.” So they had support each other. President Woodrow Wilson then began campaigning for the war. Besides them being like brothers, the US was also trade partners with Great Britain and France, so if the Allies lost the war that would mean a lot of money could be lost, and everybody knows how important money is in our society. Besides the money, this country really likes democracy, and the US saw Germany as a threat to democracy so they were obliged to do something about it.
The last important reason involved a telegram sent by Germany. The telegram was supposed to go to Mexico, but it landed in British hands. The telegram proposed a partnership with Mexico. The telegram asked the Mexican government to attack the US if they declared war against Germany. The telegram did not make to Mexico, but it did to the US, it was even published in the newspapers nationwide.
This was the last draw for the US. Finally in April 6, 1917 by a vote of 82 to 5 in the Senate and 373 to 50 in the House of Representatives, this country declared war on Germany.