To some extent the rise of the Nazi totalitarian regime was due to a 19 th century legacy but however, Germany was going through hard times and desperate times lead to desperate measures. The current conditions in Germany also helped to fuel the Nazi’s rise to power. Most Germans had found it hard to accept the allied Victory in 1918 when German defeat was announced at a time when German soldiers were miles and miles into enemy territory. For many German, such as Adolf Hitler, it made them very angry as is shown in Hitler’s writings.
That government was labelled as the ‘November Criminals’ because many people believed Germany could have still been victorious in that war, they were widely viewed as having stabbed the country in the back. This created much anger, hatred and resent from many Germans and later contributed to the rise of the extreme Nazi Regime. Out of this government was formed the . It was designed over democratic principles but it seemed the spirit to use these principles effectively did not exist, as most of Germany was not, in general, a democratic people.
This government also faced immense problems from the Treaty of Versailles whereby she lost over 10% of her land and people, lost all her overseas colonies and her army was limited to only 100 000 men. Also a huge unspecified sum in reparations was expected from the Germans. They had to admit to causing the war and were blamed for causing the war by much of Europe when in reality it was not entirely their fault. These problems seem to give the Weimar Republic little chance of succeeding and if fallen, would leave an angry Germany, which was another factor in the rise of the Nazi Regime.
Also, having just coming out of a war there were huge economic problems that need to be dealt with which lead to a delay in the paying of reparations, and at the same time there was a French army occupation of the Ruhr which in turn lead to extreme hyperinflation in Germany in 1923. In 1919-23 the Weimar Republic was in grave danger of collapse and this is demonstrated by uprisings such as the communist uprising called the Sparta kist rising, and the Kapp putsch. (not finished).