Why Austrias Conflict With Serbia Expanded To Europe

It was inevitable that all the great powers of Europe would become involved in the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia because of the flaws in European liberal, capitalist society. These capitalist societies couldn’t avoid conflict, for they were too concerned with the welfare of their own countries. During this time, war was an acceptable act in order to prevent a state from declining. Germany took the opportunity to fight with Austria-Hungary in order to gain superiority over Austria’s rival, Russia, as Russia was becoming a more powerful European state. Since Germany was concerned that it could soon begin to decline, it declared war against Russia so it could assert its power and perhaps gain additional power over the other European states. Also during this time, states worked very hard to preserve their honor.

When Russia heard that Austria-Hungary, a state which it has had tensions with in the past, was going to war with Serbia, Russia jumped at the chance to join in on Serbia’s side. Russia felt that joining Serbia against Austria-Hungary would help them get revenge for the dishonor Austria had made them feel in the past. An additional reason as to why it was inevitable for great powers to become involved in the conflict of 1914 was due to inclining commercial rivalries. England was swayed to join against the Germans in WWI because it felt threatened by Germany’s recent attempt at building a superior naval force over England. The alliance system was another reason as to why the conflict with Austria-Hungry escalated to include all the great world powers. At this time, states held onto their alliances with other states, for it gave them security.

For fear that a potential ally could abandon a state to fend for themselves, states stuck together in order to ensure their own security and safety. For fear that Russia might leave France to defend itself if a conflict with another country ever arose, France strengthened its alliance with Russia. France promised to support Russia’s war against Germany in exchange for the support of Russia, an increasing world power.