Why did war break out In Europe in 1914 The war of 1914 broke out for many reasons, such as the alliances, the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, the failure of Germany sticking to the agreement of Belgium being a neutral country, the rivalry between Britain and Germany in the navies race and the Germans Kaisers wish to dominate Europe. Many of these are long-term causes some are short-term. But each of them had a role in the first world war breaking out. The first cause that started off the rivalry between countries was the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, the countries involved were Bosnia and Austria-Hungary this soon later brought in the alliances. The archduke was killed by a gang called the black hand gang, Ferdinand was on a visit to Sarajevo when he was murdered as there was rivalry between Bosnia and Austria-Hungary as the Bosnian’s didn’t like being part of Austria-Hungary.
Almost a month later Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and this is where the allies got involved. Russia had said that if Serbia was attacked that it would back Serbia, Britain and France were also going to back Serbia and Russia this alliance was called the Triple Entente. The triple alliance formed of Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. Britain never joined the war until late ever though Russia and France did.
This was because Britain was trying to hold off going into the war but when Germany attacked on Belgium even though Germany knew Belgium was a neutral country and didn’t want to join the war and that Germany had signed a signature of seals to represent that they knew Belgium was a neutral country. There was a lot of friction between Britain and Germany as there was a naval arms race. Britain had always needed a powerful army as it is an island, and in 1900 Britain had the largest navy in the world. But Germany started to build ships in 1898, Britain thought this was an attempt to challenge Britain. Soon both sides started building dreadnoughts this is when Germany came as a threat to Britain. The Crisis of 1905-1911 1905-06 On a visit to Morocco Kaiser Wilhelm 11 promised to support Morocco and its independence France was annoyed about this because France had been interested in occupying Morocco as a colony.
Britain backed France and in a conference it was said that Germany should have nothing to do with morocco. With the relations between Britain and France and Russia getting close. Germany had the feeling of being surrounded. 1908-09 Bosnia in 1908 became part of the Austrian Empire. This was opposed by Serbia, as it wanted Bosnia as a Slav state within it.
Serbia was to small to do anything to Austria so it look at Russia for help. Russia helped Serbia try to get Bosnia but then backed off when it was made clear that if Russia declared war on Austria, Germany would declare war on Russia. 1911 There was an opportunity for France to take Morocco, they were prepared to give compensation to Germany and Spain who were concerned by the French actions. The Germans weren’t happy and this proved Britain’s fears that Germany wanted to take over Europe. The last cause which made the world war start was the death of the archduke Franz Ferdinand by the black hand gang. I think that even if the assassination didn’t take place the world war would still of happened because there was lots of friction and jealousy between all the European countries about there armies there colonies and the allies..