There are many reasons to study United States History. A few are, so that we do not commit the same mistakes as our ancestors, to know our heritage, learn about our freedoms, and to learn to become a citizen in our nation. We need history so that we will not commit the same mistakes as our ancestors. A sad thing is that sometimes even though we know what has happened in the past, we do it again, hoping that it will work this time. And usually it doesn’t work and the same mistake is made. We need to learn from the mistakes of the past and not repeat them hoping that it will work when we try it.
Instead we need to find an alternative way to solve our problem. Another reason to study United States History is so that we can know our heritage. We can gain a sense of identity, purpose, and nationalism from our past. Knowing our heritage can and will help us to appreciate, value, and preserve our freedoms. Learning about all of the people that died for our freedom and the people that gave everything they had so that we can be free today, can help us to honor and fight to hold that freedom forever. Lastly, by learning United States History we can become an educated, informed citizen of our government.
Learning about our past and becoming educated in it will help us to better participate in our government and to contribute to our current and future nation. We can change our nation but not without studying its past and knowing how it works. United States History should be studied so that we do not repeat our mistakes, so we can know and share our heritage with others, honor and fight for our freedoms, and to become and educated, informed citizen, participating in our government.