Winston Churchill Hitler Chamberlain War

After World War I, no one wanted to fight another. The First World War was to be the last world war. Many people wanted to ensure this was true, in spite of the existing problems in the world. The failure to take forceful actions in Munich, or at least utilize mutual and understanding settlement of the Czechoslovakia crisis created an atmosphere in which the opposing people emerged.

Out of all of this, laid the foundation for his eventual rise to power in Britain. Winston Churchill took many actions before rising to power “In a book written by William Manchester, he presented a very detailed account of an out-of-power minister of parliament and his trials to become the embodiment of the linked struggle against Hitler. The peace movement of Europe in the 1930’s contributed to Churchill’s political isolation. Most British people wanted to avoid confrontation and therefore, chose to ignore Hitler’s rise to power. Churchill was less willing. Manchester shows evidence of Churchill’s weariness of Hitler as early as October of 1930.” Churchill is quoted as stating that if Hitler were to come to power in Germany, England’s eventual response would be, “If a dog makes a dash for my trousers, I shoot him down before he can bite.” This means if Hitler was to bring Germany up and attack the English, the English would attack before the Germans could have a chance.

“The world as it existed showed little comfort for Neville Chamberlain and his policy of appeasement. Manchester gives a glimpse of Churchill’s own hope that Hitler, like a boa constrictor which has swallowed an animal whole, would find Austria more than he can handle.” Churchill was confident not only about himself, but about his army of Englishmen. He would not let a single person dominate England without a fight. Winston Churchill was always ready to take political advantages and mutually resolve them.

When Chamberlain set out to meet with Hitler, he felt as though Hitler could be handled like any other negotiation. All that Chamberlain had to do was determine what Hitler’s main reason for war was. After knowing this, Chamberlain could feed Hitler information that he wanted to hear. Once Hitler was satisfied, Chamberlain could move in and seize the problem. When Hitler revealed that the Sudetenland was his final territorial request, Chamberlain then decided that this request was a “small price to pay” rather than a continental war. Churchill began to think that Hitler was lying the whole time.

He told Chamberlain that it was too simple to get to the “bottom line request” of Hitler with such simple questions. Chamberlain realized Churchill’s statement could be true, but it was too late. “By the time the four powers (Britain, France, Italy, and Germany) met at Munich, Czechoslovakia’s fate was already sealed. The Munich conference was about how to give Hitler his request rather than whether or not he deserved it.” Once Churchill found out what had happened, his response was, “How could honorable men with wide experience and fine records in the great war condone a policy so cowardly? It was sordid, squalid, sub-human, and suicidal…

the sequel to the sacrifice of honor.” When Churchill reviewed the Munich agreement, he told the House of Commons, “There can never be absolute uncertainty that there will be a fight if one side is determined that it will give way completely.” Churchill had begged the Chamberlain government to make every opportunity they had to form an alliance with the Soviet Union and France. Churchill had proposed a “Grand Alliance” resembling the one which won the Great War. He was certain that a large and powerful front could cause Hitler to back down. Churchill even thought that with such a show of force might cause the German army to back down along with Hitler. “When the time came to confront the Nazi threat to Europe the people of Britain turned to Winston Churchill. He had been the lone voice in the wilderness urging decisive action when Hitler’s evil works were but small bidding’s” Churchill’s determination and his strong thoughts against appeasement won him the trustworthiness of the British people.

Later, he was eventually made Prime Minister. Come time Churchill had risen to his powers, he had full recognition that he was a “man of his time.” Although the British Empire had remnants of struggle, they seemed most comfortable with Winston Churchill coming to power. Churchill defeated the inevitable war in 1939. He faced many obstacles along the way and was able to defeat them: “but if we fail, then the whole world — – Will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age and more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and it Commonwealth last for a thousand years, Men will still say: ‘This was their finest hour’.”.