Women In The Canadian Economy

The role of women in the Canadian Women’s expanding role across the Canadian economy is well recognized. There are considerable differences in women’s and men’s access to power over economic structures in our society. With women entering the labour force Canada’s productivity rose faster, but they still are virtually absent and are not represented in economical decision-making of the Governments. Canadian women are building on labour market gains, but gender gap still remains. Today, we live in a society in which half of employed people are women. In many regions, women’s participation in the formal and non-formal labour market has increased significantly and has changed during the past decade.

While women continue to work, they have also become increasingly involved in small enterprises and, in some cases, have become more dominant in the expanding informal sector. Due to difficult economic situations and gender inequality, many women have been forced to accept low pay and poor working conditions and thus have often become preferred workers. On the other hand, women have entered the workforce increasingly by choice when they have become aware of demanding in their rights. Some have succeeded in entering and advancing in the workplace and improving their pay and working conditions. However, women have been particularly affected by the economic situation and restructuring processes, which have changed the nature of employment and, in some cases, have led to a loss of jobs, even for professional and skilled women. Many women have entered the informal sector having the lack of other opportunities due to sex discrimination.

Women’s participation in Governments are still largely absent. Women are more likely to interrupt their employment for a long period of time, their attachment to the labour force has traditionally been viewed as weaker than man’s. Over the last 30 years, women’s participation in the paid workforce has increased dramatically. Men and women in Canada have performed different kinds of work. During the 20 th century, men earned an income working in the labour force, while women were responsible for the unpaid 24 hours work of caring for home and family. The mass entry of women into the labour market over the past few decades, however, has challenged this conventional division of labour according to sex and has led to changing work and family roles for both men and women.

Today, nearly half of the Canadian workforce made up of the women and the majority of husband-wife families are supported by the employment earnings of both spouses.