Women In War Viola Life Didn

I would certainly have to agree when it’s said that women during Elizabethan England didn’t have much control of their lives. Most of the women during such times were under control or live on other people’s orders and the rules of community or country. They have no control of their lives as decisions are made mostly by the one that is from a higher rank or more powerful and even parents. Let’s just take a look at the nurse who works for Viola’s family.

I would have to say that the nurse doesn’t actually have a life of her own. She didn’t have the choice to choose the career that she wants as she came from the lower class. She had no choice but to spent her life working as a nursemaid to serve and take good care of her master’s daughter, Viola. She was given no chance to make a choice of her own but to obey every single word the master or even Viola said.

What was worse was that the nurse also doesn’t get to choose who to love. She couldn’t marry an actor or politician or just anyone from the higher rank because she is from the lower rank and the society forbids her from doing so. She had to live her life the way the master or the society wants her to. What about Viola? Things aren’t much of a difference to her when it comes to making decisions about her life despite the fact that she came from a wealthy family.

Even though she grows up in a rich and high rank family, her life is under the control of her parents and she has to follow each and every rule of her family and the country. She likes acting but she isn’t allowed to do so as this will go against the rule of the theater, which forbids women from taking part and playing roles in the theater. Because of the existence of such rules, she had to dress up as a man and disguise herself as Thomas Kent in order to get the role in the Romeo and Juliet play. She has to sneak out every time when she wants to go to the theater for rehearsal with the help of the nurse.

She didn’t have much of a choice either even when it comes to her marriage. Viola’s father had literally “sold” her to Wessex who gains fortune in return for the fame that the marriage between Viola and Wessex would promise to bring to the family and the coming generation. Viola couldn’t object even when she doesn’t have any love for the man that she was going to marry because the parents had already make the decision. Viola didn’t have the freedom to choose who she wants to spend her live with. She was deeply in love with William Shakespeare but she couldn’t be with him because of the difference of the classes that separates both of them. She’s was in a much higher and richer class compared to William.

Because of this Viola had to leave behind her love for William and marry someone that she didn’t love and barely know because of the obligation as a daughter of her parents. Rosaline too did not have much control of her live. She came from a low rank and poor family. To support her life, she has to be the mistress of Burbage even when her true love is actually Will Shakespeare. You can see clearly that Rosaline did not have much control of her life too from the way people talked to her.

She’s being treated like a ‘maid’ and a ‘sex object’. People disgrace her because they think that she sleeps around for the sake of money. Queen Elizabeth, a prominent figure who is given unduly respect and holds strong command. It is sad to say that the queen also couldn’t escape such ill treating during that time. The queen didn’t have much control of her love life as well. She was being forced into a marriage with one of the prince of Spain.

She didn’t have any choice because she bares royal blood and she couldn’t just marry anyone. She also had to play her role as the leader of the country even if she didn’t like it. I would conclude that such acts actually violate the human rights. People should be allowed to do things that they want to do and not the way that people want them to. It is such a blessing that the people finally came to realize about how bad it is and that things are not as bad now as how it was during the Elizabethan England era.