If one were to debate and deliberate on the issue that “it was better for a woman to live in Sparta than in Athens,” my opinion would probably coincide with the resolution. There are many factors to take into account when one analyses of the key points in each society. The Athenian by nature were more liberal and locked onto the idea of political freedom whereas Spartans created a society that produces soldiers rather than poets or philosophers. But the cons of Athenian society for women far outweigh, by far, the cons of Spartan society. The status of women under the Athenian democracy, however crude it may have been, was similar to that of a slave except that some women could learn to read and write. Women of this society were denied the legal and political rights to participate in government, barred from holding public office, or even selling products in the market.
Athenian women were “best seen, but not heard” as the saying goes. Women in Athens were “owned” by a male relative, whether he was her father or older brother if she were a maiden or her husband if she were married, and were treated as that male’s ward in that she could do nothing without supervision or approval. These women were sheep being herded blindly by the blind herdsman in other words. On the other side of the spectrum were Sparta and the status of women under its society. were expected to marry young and bear children as most women of ancient civilizations were and to keep the household while the men were away. “Keeping the household,” however, included selling products in market and keeping the household accounts and affairs in order.
Women of Sparta could run a business and act as wards for properties in place of their husbands. Women of this era were better treated in Sparta rather than Athens. This is proven because although Sparta did not enjoy the cultural liberties of Athens its society enabled women to be treated as human beings rather than property or china dolls. Moreover, Spartan society did not restrict women into being mindless wards to be chaperoned by men. The Athenian democracy was “imperfect” and had many shortcomings. This is demonstrated through the denied involvement of slaves and women in politics and law-making.
It is also verified in that only free men who owned lands could participate in the democracy. No matter what way you look at it, the argument always seem to lean towards Sparta being a better society to live in than the Athenian democracy. Sparta was almost equal in legal rights even though it lack the cultural liberalness of Athens. Of course, everyone has his / her own opinion in the matter, what is to say you don’t have yours?