Woodrow Wilson became the twenty-eighth president of the in 1913. At this time, Word War I was fast approaching, so Woodrow Wilson was faced almost immediately with the decision of whether or not he would lend America’s forces to the war effort. Initially, America did not participate in the war, but by 1917, Woodrow Wilson co-nv inced congress to declare war on Germany. There was mounting fear over the German war mach-ne, as there had been vario-us incidents involving the Americans and Germans up to this point.
America was quickly becoming a massive indus-trial power, and their war effort was enough to tip the scale in favour of the allies. After the war, Wilson was an integral member of the peace talks. He helped to create the Treaty of Ve-railles, which permanently put an end to World War I. Included in the Treaty was a clause stating that a League of Nations would be created to prevent fort-her war. This League of Nations was an idea of Wi-lson’s, outlined in his “Fourteen Points”, which announced America’s posi-tion after the war.
Although the League was Wilson’s idea, when pre-sented to the United States congress it was rejected, so America never became a member. Wilson was also the man who helped to implement prohibition in the United States in 1917. Woodrow Wilson was the president of the United States for two terms, from 1913 to 1921. He made a large impact on American History, particularly with his war effort. Late in his life, Wilson made a national tour to rai-se awareness for the Treaty of Versailles. Because of the stress involved, he suffered a stroke, and never really fully recovered.
He died in 1924.