Working Conditions Affect Workers Work Job

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The sales manager showed us the list of goods exported by the company Inform us as soon as possible when you intend to deliver the goods ordered Not receiving letters from her, he sent a telegram When asked to take part in the talks, he agreed at once I have just bought a book containing information about taxation Being a foreigner, she couldn’t get used to the life in this country. No 2. , … When he arrived in the city the bridge across the river was still being built was still built has still been built Every year the lectures of the Professor with great interest/ had been listened to are being listened to are listened to Th automatic devices by the end of the last month. had been installed have been installed are installed The works of this physicist in the years to come. are referred to will be referred to have been referred to No 3…

Can you give me to drink something anything nothing If you find interesting in this magazine, send it to me, please. something anything everything They had a very hard day, that’s why of them came to the party. anyone nobody none I don’t expect tonight. anybody nobody everybody. No 4. , …

We expect the company to work at a loss next year. We believe him to be one of best specialists in this field. I would like him to be promoted soon because he deserves it. I heard him speak on the phone. No 5… Nobody is than Mike happier as happy more happier His job is than his friend’s.

much important much more important most important He is punctual and never comes. lately late. He knows French of all. worse badly worst No 6…

Over the last thirty years a new approach to management has been developing. According to it the way to increase workers’ efficiency is to improve their job satisfaction and motivation. The methods of making work more interesting include job enlargement, job enrichment and new forms of group work. Job enrichment involves giving extra responsibilities to workers such as production planning, quality control and technical development. Special types of work groups have been formed where workers share responsibility for certain tasks. For example, at the Volvo car plant in Sweden assembly workers do not work on a moving production line.

They are organised into teams of fifteen to twenty members. They have their own tasks, like assembling heating and electrical systems, and they work in their own part of the factory. As can be seen, the basic idea of this approach that a worker should have an interesting job. In the 1930 s Professor Elton Mayo, a Harvard University psychologist, evaluated the factors influencing productivity.

He and his colleges directed a series of experiments on how affected output. Such things as lighting, lunch times, rest periods, wall colours, pay and temperature were varied to see how they affected productivity. The researchers generally discussed the changes with the workers before putting them into effect. It was found that there was an increase in productivity whether conditions were better or worse. The researchers realised that their study was also about workers’ attitudes and values. It was clear that the workers had developed a high morale during the experiment and had been motivated to work hard.

They had enjoyed feeling they were especially selected for the study and were receiving a lot of attention from management. They had developed good relationships with each other and with their superior during the experiment. The good relationships and social contacts had made their work more enjoyable. The researchers came to the conclusion that social relations among workers and between workers and their bosses affect output, the quality of work and motivation. The feeling of belonging to a group, and his / her status within that group strongly affect his / her behavior.

No 7… In the reseachers’ experiments how did changes in working conditions affect the workers.