World Culture South America

Africa Africa is a continent of natural resources both living and non living. These resources affect how African countries deal with other countries and how it works internally. One example of this is diamonds. Sierra Leone is a country in Africa that has gone through various political regimes and has gone through great conflict. Various war factions want to have control over the diamond mines and they force workers to perform this backbreaking work. These diamonds that these factions control are called conflict diamonds because of the atrocities these groups inflict to control diamonds and make money.

In Africa there are many things to do. The most interesting would be to go to the Pyramids of Egypt and see the creations of this magnificent group of people. While visiting the pyramids going to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo would greatly improve your understanding of the ancient Egyptians. Another place to visit would be a national park where you could see the animals that are indigenous to this continent. Middle East The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. But it is also the birthplace of conflict between countries in that region and the West.

The major reason for dispute is over the regions most valuable resource: oil. In this region wars were started because of oil. Iraq invaded Kuwait for control of there oil fields and this triggered U. S involvement. It isn’t just oil that has shaped this region. Spices have made a huge contribution to this region.

Arab merchants spread their goods throughout the world along with their culture. Other cultures then seeped into the Middle East from other trading nations. This region’s resources shaped its culture. The Middle East is the birthplace of the major religions and the city to visit would be Jerusalem.

In Jerusalem you can visit The Wall, which is one of the most significant places for the Jews. You could also travel to Mecca to visit the Holy Mosque, which is the most famous for the Muslims. It is so important that they are required to make a pilgrimage to here at least on time in there life. India India is rich in spices due to its climate and its relationship with other spice producing regions. Spices like black pepper have been grown here for thousands of years and with trading with Chile peppers were introduced into their diet.

As a result of this the most famous Indian food is curry. Curry has penetrated into their mainstream and this means it is part of there culture. Since food is a part of every person’s life it is then part of a culture because it is a part of a group identity. If you planning to go to India an interesting place to go to would be a place called Bollywood.

This is a place where most Indian films are made and is a major player in the world film market. China China is a country rich in resources. One particular region, Manchuria in northeast China, has been the source of many wars. Manchuria is rich in coal and iron and was fought over by numerous nations. Russia wanted to control this region to further strengthen themselves and Japan wanted Manchuria because they ran out of resources at home to fuel there industrial revolution. These influxes of different cultures, religions, and way of life gradually made its way into this regions culture.

Manchuria is an example of how a natural non-living element of nature impacted culture. China is home to one of the Great Wonders of the World. This of course would be the Great Wall of China. It was used in ancient times as a protective wall.

You can travel to this place and walk across it and see the lush landscape of China. Korea The Korean peninsula is on the same longitude as St. Louis and San Francisco but it experiences weather very different then both. In the winter arctic winds go through the mountains and goes through all of Korea giving Koreans a harsh winter.

With these harsh winters Koreans developed their signature food that preserves vegetables through the winter. This dish is call kimchi and it is basically pickled vegetables. The climate of Korea has influenced what they eat because nothing can grow there during the winter and they would starve without adapting to their environment and developing kimchi. Seoul, which is the capital of South Korea, is a great place to visit because of its modern buildings and excellent shopping places.

South Koreas economy is slowly getting stronger and this apparent is the modernization of their capital city. You might want to visit the World Trade Center, which is a symbol of the economic strength after the Korean War. Japan Japan is a country about the size of California. In this small country their lives 125 million people with only 15% of its land suitable for farming. So where does Japan get its food from? Japan is an island that is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese used this to their advantage. They fish and collect seaweed and this is a staple of there diet.

The Japanese didn’t have much farming land so they supplemented their food with what there surroundings gave them and that was fish. Japan is home to a beautiful landscape and beautiful scenery. If visiting Japan the capital city of Tokyo is a great place to visit for everything that they have. Visiting the numerous fish markets is good for the chef in you. Visiting Hiroshima is a reminder of the horrors of World War 2, but is worth visiting. South America The Europeans saw South America as a place to extend their power and also as a place to collect resources and gain agricultural strength.

Sugar cane was farmed buy slaves the Europeans brought in from Africa. As a result of these two cultures, the Native Americans and the Africans, there cultures became intertwined and became one. Many populations of South American and Latin American countries are a mix of Native Americans and Africans. This mix has resulted in a unique and diverse group of people.

South America is home to a number of different ancient cultures. The Incas and Mayans are only a couple of them. But if you are planning on going to South America visiting the Chichen Itza pyramids is a breathtaking experience because you are seeing what the Mayan people held as sacred. The Mayans used these pyramids for religious ceremonies and it is fascinating to see the monuments because of their importance and also because they were built without the help of any machines.

The only machines used were the human body.