Through out history, leaders have viewed powers in many different ways. There have been a variety of viewpoints on the acquisition and use of power. Power, the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively, in our world’s history powers have ranged from a harsh rule reigned with terror and fear to power being use passive resistance methods. Two leaders in our worlds history who have affected people of their own nations and people of other nations was Adolf Hitler who built a one-government party know as the Nazi Party.
Hitler promised to be an effective leader during Germany’s period of despair. Mohandas Gandhi who was in charge of the Indian nationalist movement. He taught his followers non violent resistance and civil disobedience. Both of these leaders have left a mark in our world’s history. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi power rose to power very shortly. There was worldwide depression, Germany was in debt and wished for revenge from World War I.
Hitler promised the people of Germany jobs; as well as rebuild Germany and its superior race. Hitler used extreme nationalism and used violence and terror (document 3) Hitler had many goals for Germany. One of his goals was to create living space for the German people he considered racially superior. He shifted the blame of World War I or minority groups.
The biggest group he blamed was the Jews. Although the Jews were his main target he also destroyed other groups including Gypsies, Slaves and the mentally and physically disabled. Hitler committed genocide against the Jews, which was the attempt to destroy an entire ethnic or religious group; it is also known as ethnic cleansing. In order to destroy the Jews he set up concentration camps where they were gassed to death starved or shot. In total 6 million Jews were killed this period of time was known as the Holocaust. Hitler abused his power to dominate.
Hitler affected Germany tremendously as well as other countries all over the world. Due to Hitler’s actions the League of Nations made the Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration of Human Rights entailed that a leader would never purposely try to kill certain groups. Mohandas Gandhi led the Indian nationalist movement in the 1920’s and 1930’s. He used his power on tactics of boycotting, civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance otherwise known as passive resistance, a method of securing rights (document 3). HE believed that they were the way to win rights not bloodshed to achieve independence from Britain.
He rejected ideas of the caste system because he believed everyone was equal and should share the same rights including women. Gandhi was open to ideas of nationalism, democracy and other western ideas. He affected the people of nation because he finally achieved independence unfortunately it was one year after his death in 1947; a triumph over human will. He affected the rest of the world because his ideas on nonviolence resistance is and always will be in use. Martin Luther King Jr.
looked up to Gandhi and used his methods of nonviolent resistance in the United States. Mohandas Gandhi was the greatest apostle of peace the world has ever seen. He has influenced thousands of people all over the world. Leaders throughout world history have used and viewed power in many different ways their actions affected people not only of their own nations but other nations all around the world, actions that will be in our worlds history forever. Unfortunately some actions were not for the better but did led into better things beneficial for the world we live in today..